As he came back from US on completing his dairy farming course he already had a job that promised to pay Rs. 1000/- a month...in the year 1948!
However the government reminded him that according to the bond that granted him scholarship he had to work for the government for at least the next three years! and thus he was posted in a remote dusty village called Anand in Gujrat.
Thus this reluctant young man began his journey in the 1948 believing that he will fulfill the bond and leave for better pastures...he had no idea of the pastures that he was going to create right there in Anand....and dedicate his entire life to the farmers of Gujrat and Kaira Co-operatives and the soon the to the whole of India, making India the largest milk producer in the WORLD.
EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK (also see excerpts on http://shockaday.blogspot.com )
EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK (also see excerpts on http://shockaday.blogspot.com )
"When our country fought for freedom from the British it evolved leadership of quality that any nation anywhere in the world would be proud of. Leaders with calibre and nobility of purpose from different states of India. It is dismaying to see that we no longer have that uplifting nobility and are producing increasingly inferior leaders."

"While integrity and loyalty are core values there are other values too that are integral to achieve success in any field. For example, the leader must first set an example and then explain to others in what way the change is going to take place."
"What is the primary job of the manager? To bring in and groom the right people on the team. Once this is done, to groom the successor most appropriate for the institution."
"If you are paid less than what you are worth than you might get respect but if you get much more than what you are worth than you'll definately not get respect(of colleagues/ staff)."

"Our greatest national resource is our people and we have more often than not neglected this. Whether intentionally or not, we have created an illusion that everything is in the hands of the government."
"Great change takes place through sometimes small, even invisible steps"
"When employees begin to believe that the institution exists for them rather then they exist for the purpose and ideals for which the institution was built, then clearly, that institution has mutated into bureaucracy."
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